
Montag, 20. Februar 2012

Nachdem ich ja jede Menge zu Meckern hatte, - welche Lettern erzeugen denn das gewisse Etwas an Knistern.. Raschel, raschel - dieses Buch mit diesem Inhalt zum Beispiel, nicht so offensichtlich, aber gut:

excerpt taken for recension purpose from "she loves you, she loves you not" by J. A. Peters -

"What do you believe in?" I ask her. Say trust. Say truth.
"Reality," Finn answers. "Creating your destiny. Owning it."
Can you create destiny? "Is that why you up and leave? Drift?"
She doesn`t respond.


I`d love to unplait her braid to see how long her hair is. On her knees at the hearth, she blows on a wad of lit newspaper to get the kindling started. It crackles and pops. Boner whines and I set his food on the floor.
Finn` s got the fire roaring, and she sits on the furry rug, hugging her knees. I lower myself next to her, and a shudder of cold races through me.
Finn pulls a blanket off the couch and drapes it across both our shoulders.
The fire is mesmerizing. Finn`s face is illuminated, and her dark eyes glimmer like stars.
"You`re so brave," I tell her. "To just leave home and make it on your own. I could never do that."
She looks at me. "Sure you could. You did. We all do whatever we have to do to survive."
I can`t look away from her. The gaze between us becomes intense, and the Finn breaks it off. "You`re braver than me."


"You know who you are. what you want."
"And you don`t?"
She stares into the fire. She scratches Boner`s ears. It`s warm now, and I let the blanket fall off my shoulders. Reaching across, I run my open hand down the lenght of her braid and she closes her eyes.


"What are you running from?"
Finn opens her eyes and turns to me. "Who says I`m running from anything?"
"...I think you`re running from your truth." I think. Or trying to find it.
She buries her face in Boner`s fur. With both hands, I reach over and undo her braid. Her hair is kinky where it was wound together, and I rake my fingers through it. So soft. Finn sets Boner aside, takes my hands in hers and kisses my palms. She pulls me in close to kiss me. Sweet and tender. It`s impossible to fight the longing, even if I wanted to. I wrap my arms around her. We kiss, and I feel the rush from my head to the tips of my toes. Finn breaks off the kiss to remove her wet shoes. I pull off my wet boots, and we resume where we left off. The heat of her internal fire radiates through me and all my pleasure zones ignite. We lie back on the rug and kiss and touch, and my promise never to love again melts away. There`s only us, the fire and the heat."

-.- Auslassungen, pages 244 -246

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noch so `n paar Gedanken
Die hier beschriebene Szene ist so zahm und doch ziemlich tiefgehend. Sie tangiert eigene Gefühle wie Unsicherheit, für sicher geglaubte Selbstbilder, eigene Fähigkeiten mit Verunsicherungen, Fremdbildern umzugehen und schließlich, Wünsche in die Tat umzusetzen - im Bewusstsein dessen, dass die Hand auch weggeschoben werden kann.
erotisch, weil nicht vorhersehbar, nicht drastisch, aber aus`m Leben.

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