
Mittwoch, 1. Februar 2012

Die Pause beendet, ein kleiner Text verfasst.
Da der Ursprungstext auf Englisch, ist es das Referat nun auch. :-)

The Emperor of Scent,
A true story of perfume and obsession, by Chandler Burr

Division into two parts:
Creation and War:
C: Luca Turin`s - creating and following of a new idea of smell, opposite to common “belief” in shape &
W: the disregard of the new theory by fellow scientists, Turin`s struggle for audience and recognition

Burr starts off by stating:
He lists all the efforts being made by scientists to discover the secrets of how smell is sensed.
“..the exact way we smell things...remains a mystery...”

Burr`s thesis:
“We actually shouldn`t be able to smell at all.”
He explains it by referring to two central functions of the human body: digestion and the immune system, pointing out their opposite way to tackle their tasks:
Digestion: - works by the enzym`s recognition of the molecular counterpart,
- “fixed genetic library of with a fixed list of molecules” - enzymes “take off” instantly to identify the molecule to be cracked
Immune System: - fighting the intruders by creating antibodies that fit its shape
- this process takes time
- able to create the needed key to destroy the virus (unlimited editions)
Smell is instant and unlimited:
Smell vibrates.
Burr`s motivation is to shed a light on the formation of an idea, its verification, presentation and its creator`s fight for acknowledgement.
His conclusion (p. 228): “The response to Luca Turin`s controversial theory embodies the failure of the scientific process, both as an ideal and in the day-to-day functioning of prestigious scientific organizations.....”, (p. 232) “..almost none of the critics of Turin`s Vibtarion paper ever actually read it..”
A friend of Mr Burr puts it this way:
(p. 304) “Science is turning into a command economy.”
Philosopher Feyerabend: “There can be no government.”
Some remarkable statements by Turin:
- “Smell is not more subjective than colour or sound”
- big perfume companies work at random: (p. 265): “..It`s manifest..from the way they work that they don`t have a theory of odor.”
- (p. 267): Push fragrance chemists to the wall and they`ll tell you, `...there`s one structure-odor relationship which is totally solid.......”
- “Another wonderful example of the lack of relationship..between shape and smell is the converse phenomenon: a series of very similarly shaped molecules with very different smells.”
- (p. 274): “ odor...depends not on a single wave number but on the exact relative amplitudes of all the peaks..”
- (p. 304): “..there is no such thing as disconnected facts..”

Some remarkable facts:
- Theory of Shape: the nose uses a molecule`s shape to identify the smell &
molecules with similar shape should carry similar information
- the Shapists aren`t hindered by unexplained question marks in their work like same smell but different shape (Osyrol example), building up the Weak-Shape theory instead:
this theory has its weak sides though......such as no predictive power
- Weak-Shape theory: smell receptors binding to parts of the molecule`s shape
- a (p. 273) molecule`s shape is ..going to determine how it will be gripped by the receptor;
its vibrations are what contain its smell information
- Turin`s theory has its origin in M. Dyson`s thoughts on the human nose, housing a “spectroscope” (1938),
- all molecules pulse with vibration
- commonly smellable molecules are built of: Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Sulfur atoms
- electron bonds are elastic, being pulled apart and released, they start off to vibrate, having its own wave number (0 to 4000) as a solid means of identification
- one atom = one note, one molecule = one chord
- the human nose can identify single atoms as well as a spectroscope can
- Smelling`s paradox about instancy and infinity was seen as a mystery because of the implemented limitations by the shape theory
- proteins can carry electrons and thereby conduct electricity, proteins serve as receptors
in the nose
- the electron – tunneling spectroscope a prove to Turin`s theory
- smell is not about sex, but about food and protection

Links you might find interesting:

from chemistry to religion:

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- smell is not about sex, but about food and protection

Not about sex? But what about pheromones? A modern myth?

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Here I found something:
"The facts of the case are, at the time of writing: (a) human pheromones exist, otherwise for example the menstrual cycles of women who share accommodation would never synchronize, and (b), as far as we know, pheromones are perceived by a separate organ in the nasal septum that is wired directly to the engine room, bypasses all the higher functions and simply says, 'Take me to your ovaries.' No smell sensation, in other words. Clearly, this is the usual confusion between hardware and software."
- Luca Turin, The Secret of Scent: Adventures in Perfume and the Science of Smell Quelle

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